What's New

- 2024年12月24日より宅地建物取引業を開始しました。リーガルアドバイス×仲介サービスのワンストップサービスを提供します。当面は法人の不動産購入の仲介のみ行います。英語による対応も可能です。​
- On 24 December 2024, we commenced real estate intermediary services. We provide the one-stop service of legal advice and intermediary service. At the moment, our intermediary services is for real property acquisition by companies. We deal with transactions in Japanese or English.

- New legal topics have been added to "Real Estate Transaction in Japan" at the header

- 2024年11月13日、ホテルマネジメント契約・ホテルブランデッドレジデンスに関するセミナーを実施しました。多数のご参加をいただき誠にありがとうございました。

About Us 

Office Name: Suzuki International Real Estate Law Office and Suzuki International Real Estate (real estate agent)

Representative: Taijiro Suzuki, attorney at law (qualified in Japan) and licensed real estate agent
*Detailed profile is available at "People" at the header

所在地:〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷2-25-6 ニューライトビル1025
Address: #1025 New Light Building, 2-25-6, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan

お問い合せはこちら / Contact us by :

What We Do 

1. Legal advice for a purchase and sale, lease and investment through TK (tokumei kumiai) or TMK, and other transactions of real estate located in Japan (in English or Japanese), including legal due diligence on the target real property 

2. Legal advice for agreements relating to a hotel located in Japan, such as hotel management agreement to be entered into between a hotel owner and a hotel operator (in English or Japanese)

4. Support real estate agents for their intermediate or agent services, including legal advice, explanation of Japanese laws, contract negotiation, and legal due diligence (in English or Japanese)

4. Intermediate for purchase of real estate located in Japan (in English or Japanese)

Note: We do not provide any services relating to real estate outside Japan or foreign laws.
Note: At the moment, we do not provide intermediary service for sale or lease of real estate.
Note: We do not accept any matter from individuals.